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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Ut0pia MaRi..

bila da b0san sgt cuti2x kat umah ni.. as usual aku akan baca balik majalah2x lama & k0mik2x kesayangan aku.. tgh sy0k melayan majalah K0mik + hiBuran uToPiA... aku terbaca kat satu helaian yg diberi nama A-BEST.. dlm ruangan ni..ada petikan2x ayat yg sweet yg dihantar 0leh pembaca uToPiA melalui sms..

kesemuanya petikan2x sweet ni..memg berkaitan sal cinta ja.. x bermakna aku dilamun cinta bila aku wat sal p0st ni.. just aku rasa memg sweet p0n ayat2x dia.. ( kal0 ada 0rg x rasa sweet dgn ayat2x ni.. suka ati la.. lain 0rg..lain citarasanya )... betul x.. ?

" d0n't find l0ve, let l0ve find y0u. that's why it's called falling in l0ve because y0u d0n't f0rce yourself t0 fall."

" it breaks y0ur heart t0 see the 0ne y0u l0ve is happy with s0me0ne else, but it's m0re painful t0 kn0w that the 0ne y0u l0ve is unhappy with y0u. "

" is it better f0r a w0man t0 marry a man wh0 l0ves her than a man she l0ves ."

" lucky is the man wh0 is the first l0ve 0f a w0man, but luckier is the w0man is the last l0ve 0f a man ."

hmm..ada byk g..tapi aku da mls nak taip..c0z panjang2x sgt..hik3x..ckp la tu..nanti x larat lak nak baca..hua3x....

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